Applications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber

Application of the HBOT

  • Low back and joint pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Injuries

  • Diabetic foot

  • Ulcers

  • Burns

  • Parkinson and Alzheimer
  • Autism

and more …


It’s a myth that we’re looking for the fountain of youth. What we are looking for as we get older is the ability to rebound from injury and illness, and to thrive into old age. Aging doesn’t have to be something that instills worry; instead, it should be about embracing this next chapter of life. A chapter in which we live li. It’s a myth that we’re looking for the fountain of youth. What we are looking for as we get older is the ability to rebound from injury and illness, and to thrive into old age. Aging doesn’t have to be something that instills worry; instead, it should be about embracing this …


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works by increasing oxygen content in the brain to supraphysiologic levels, enhancing mitochondrial function and modulating over 8,000 genes on our DNA; upregulating those responsible for growth and repair and downregulating those responsible for inflammation and apoptosis.  Research into the use of HBOT for neurologic conditions has grown exponentially in the last several years. Studies from Israel have been published on …

Chronic Pain

Suffering from chronic pain, fibromyalgia, CRPS/RSD, or MPS affects every facet of your life. Pain that persists for months may start from an initial injury or illness, but it can also arise without a clear cause. Chronic pain affects sleep, stamina, appetite, and mood, and can lead to reduced flexibility and strength. With good reason, chronic pain can create feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and sadness. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses pressurized oxygen to decrease inflammation and accelerate healing. Chronic pain sufferers report less pain and swelling, and more freedom from pain medications following hyperbaric oxygen therapy regimens…


Photo source: The Putney Clinic

HBOT and fertility

For couples experiencing infertility, trying to conceive can be complicated and heartbreaking. There are many factors that determine a couple’s ability to get pregnant. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be an effective non-invasive treatment for fertility. Here are some ways HBOT helps all bodies.

New blood vessels – HBOT increases the production of new blood vessels. This means better blood flow, allowing your overall fertility system to function better. If you have had any medical interventions, this will also allow you to …

Lime disease

Lyme Disease is debilitating. It can be invisible, with symptoms that range from joint pain to nerve pain to extreme fatigue. When the origin and timing of the bite are unknown, it can be nearly impossible to take advantage of early antibiotics. It is a complicated disease, often accompanied by co-infections, with their own symptoms. Westen medicine has yet to provide satisfactory solutions for Lyme, but hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been proven to be a tremendous help relieving symptoms and conditions associated with Lyme. With HBOT, Lyme sufferers can live their lives again.


Photo source:  goop

Applications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber

Health benefits when using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Anti-inflammatory, repairs tissue damage , speeds recovery after physical injuries, enhances the quality of sperm, stimulates new blood vesels growth, promotes circulation & stem cell growth, which reduces inflammation & supports the immune system, decreases tender points & psychological distress in fibromyalgia patients, decreased disability & higher pain threshold remain for at least 3 months after treatment, lengthens telomeres up to 20%, and more …

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